Hi friends I hope you all are fine, Today I an very interesting handy software for you that can speek for you instantly , Read out full post to know more..
It is possible to make your computer talk? The answer is YES. Your computer can talk. I am going to share with you a new handy program. With the help of this program, your computer can speak whatever you want to hear from it. Please inform me whether you liked it or not. Just follow the steps below:
All information on this handy software :-
How to use:- You have to just type whatever you want to here from it and click on ok
just copy paste this to notepad and save it as ( anything ).vbs
Dim userInput
userInput = InputBox("Write a message for me to say")
Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Sapi.speak userInput
its really work becoz m already done it